
LGBT Consortium is facilitating a Partnership of 35 LGBT organisations across England, Wales and Scotland to develop a common programme to increase the overall opportunities for LGBT people to be able to report Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic hate crime building on existing mechanisms. It is important to note that the focus is not on introducing new services. The project is designed to build capacity and capability within existing service provision.

Working with our Lead Delivery Partner, Galop, we have carefully selected eight community-led work-streams, which cover the range and diversity of LGBT organisations working in the Partnership. This will enable them to provide the best support possible to LGBT people and communities dealing with hate crime.

Common themes are agreed at a national level, coordinated through a brand new National Framework Group. This group not only provides for LGBT sector input, but also provides a unique opportunity to non-LGBT organisations across all sectors to engage strategically with one central body, knowing it will gain access to the widest possible LGBT hate crime network.

All work will be nationally-led but primarily locally delivered. This means that the whole package of delivery will respond to local need and able to adapt to local environments. For example, rural areas and urban areas can use their local expertise and experience to translate the national resources into practical delivery. It will also enable those organisations working in areas with particular deprivation (e.g. rough sleepers) or under-reporting (e.g. trans communities) to collaborate on a local, regional and national level.

Some of our Partners are specialists in particular aspects of sexual orientation, gender identity or sex such as Bisexuality and Trans. Other Partners include different elements of these aspects such as Intersex and Queer/Questioning within their remit. Collectively, as a Partnership, we can draw on this experience where necessary. We are in no way implying that every Partner is expert in every aspect of sexual orientation, gender identity or sex.

This is a community-led project, delivered for the EHRC. It is running in parallel with Stop Hate UK’s separate project. The project is liaising with Stop Hate UK in order to avoid duplication of service provision.

The eight specific work-streams areas are outlined in the section below.

The National LGBT Hate Crime Framework Group

  • Set up in March 2015 this group is a strategic way of considering the diverse range of issues throughout the whole delivery plan and offers coordinated support and engagement for the Partners.
  • This is an opportunity to think collaboratively on national level planning and delivery; to avoid duplication with other existing services; and to ensure maximum reach and impact.
  • We are also mapping the range and diversity of LGBT Hate Crime service delivery across England and Wales. This allows the project to assess what is working, share best practice, build on good practice and reduce duplication.

National Media & Social Media Campaign

  • This resource will launch in June and will raise awareness of reporting LGBT hate crime & encouraging greater reporting.
  • The two aims of the campaign are to:
    • Help people to identify and recognise LGBT hate crimes and hate incidents in all their forms (e.g. neighbour harassment, low level harassment, verbal abuse)
    • Encourage people to speak to someone about incidents that they have experienced with a view to increasing reporting.
  • We are developing associated information resources covering reporting, support, recognising hate crime, etc.
  • The campaign is nationally driven but locally delivered so will enable existing support organisations to signpost their own service provision.

Media Guidance

  • We are creating guidelines for media organisations on the appropriate coverage of LGBT hate crime reporting and how they can work effectively with LGBT organisations.
  • We are also creating guidelines for use by local LGBT organisations, on working with the Media to ensure the appropriate coverage of LGBT hate crime reporting.

National Programme of Training & Skills Development

  • The partnership are delivering local training sessions across England, Wales and Scotland with a range of LGBT organisations to increase awareness and knowledge of local, regional and national reporting mechanisms.
  • We are also delivering training sessions to a range of external agencies on recognising LGBT hate crime and on appropriate referral routes.
  • There will also be volunteer training in four pilot areas to establish local LGBT hate crime advocates. This will increase knowledge and access to support locally.

National Programme of Support for Victims of Homophobic, Transphobic or Biphobic Hate Crime

  • As part of the project the EHRC have provided funding to local and regional organisations that currently support people who have experienced LGBT hate crime. This is designed to respond to local need, based on identified low reporting groups.
  • We are establishing new referral pathways at a locally, regional and national level, to direct support to existing organisational expertise and capacity.

Buddying Partnerships

  • New buddying partnerships between organisations will increase information sharing and support available to victims of LGBT hate crime. These partnerships may be between:
    • LGBT organisations and local Criminal Justice Agencies.
    • Specialist LGBT hate crime service delivery organisations and other generic LGBT organisations.
    • Specialist LGBT organisations and other victim-centred organisations.

Minimum Standards Framework & Commissioning Guidance

  • The Partner organisations are skilling a diverse range of LGBT organisations to deal with hate crime incidents, working alongside local Police and criminal justice agencies.
  • Hate crime organisations (e.g. Victim Support, local Police) will be up-skilled as part of the project.
  • We are scoping an E-Quality Charter Mark for skills training, which will be administered through the National Framework Group.
  • We will develop guidance for Police and Crime Commissioners on commissioning specialist LGBT hate crime services.
  • We are also developing guidance for LGBT organisations that engage in LGBT hate crime service delivery. This is aimed at increasing their impact and so increasing their likelihood of being commissioned to carry out further work in this area.

Advice for the Advisor Support

  • We will provide direct support to staff in non-specialist organisations to increase their availability to deal with LGBT hate crimes and incidents. These may be within LGBT or non-LGBT organisations, (e.g. housing associations, Citizens Advice, domestic abuse agencies)
  • We are not setting up a new helpline for the public. This will be a telephone service for advisors to get offline help and support. Due to the different legislative regimes there will be two separate services for England & Wales; and for Scotland.